Monday, August 27, 2012


ok, lets get serious....nothing I've attempted to lose weight has worked.  The reason is that I haven't been serious.  So last month I committed to a small step...exercise once a week.  I know, funny...but all I can manage is baby steps. I've been doing that and i lost a few pounds, but last monday August 20th, 2012 I committed to 2 weeks of a low carb diet. One week later I'm down 3lbs!  
Today I had to go to my Doctor, routine visit, and I weighed in... In May  (and I should just be blunt here) I weighed in at 252.5. Today I weighed in at 241.5 so 11 lbs in total. I'm in no big rush to take this off...yes it would be devine to quickly get small but I've been up and down a lot in my life and I feel like this may be my last chance (at 52) to lose it and then keep it off. So I will take my time and do this reasonably...
Now more importantly than a 3lb loss is the fact that I actually adhered to this for one entire week! YAY ME! and secondly... something inside me...that me I use to know...told me...whispered to me...I can do this.  I can.  When fellow workers showed up with cheesecake and pumpkin roll, bagels and rolls (yeah, all in one week) I TURNED AWAY. I didn't think about it...and I didn't want to reach for it while not thinking, so I turned away.  I'd like to say that I have willpower but I know that I don't, not an once, not a pinch.  I think if you are this way too the best thing to do is physically get away, command your hand to stay at your side, tell your feet to move in the opposite direction...its the only way! And I don't care what the professionals say about "support" groups...In those moments when you choose to open or close your mouth...its just you and that scrumptious morsel battling it out.  I hope you win, I hope I win.  
So for right now its one day at time...I did commit to 2 weeks of low carbs and I will/can do that...then afterwards...will I keep going?  Not sure, but this time I'm serious.

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